Today, six kids will begin a new challenge and a new opportunity by attending Jr. High School.
But why? What makes this any different than any other kid going to school?
A few years ago Entreamigos identified several children who were of elementary age and not attending school in San Pancho. A few of them, already eleven years old were unable to read, write or do any math. Yazmin, the assitant coordinator of our scholarship program, asked for permission to start tutoring them at Entreamigos. What began as a few hours a week quickly became a few hours a day and what started with two children increased to four. In late 2013, Yazmin was able to help them to reach a reading level sufficient to gain them entry into the elementary school. Everyday generous volunteers made or donated lunch for these students when they met at Entreamigos immediately after school. They would sit and talk about school and life, “family style,” before starting their homework or attending other classes at Entreamigos. All four students attended and graduated from the San Pancho elementary school this year!!
This summer another students was identified that had graduated elementary school but never attended Jr. High. Yazmin, now with five students in need of a school, arranged for the kids to attend the TeleSecundaria school in nearby Las Lomas. This school, with only 12 students per class would be much more realistic than our local San Pancho Jr. High that can have 40 or as many as 60 students in a class.
Today, these six students attended their first day in Jr. High. They will be picked up by a taxi at Entreamigos every morning and will return every afternoon to again, enjoy their lunch “family style,” and do their homework. The road for these kids is incredibly tough, their education is just beginning, along with puberty, social pressure and at best, a challenged life at home. We have the grandest dreams and the highest hopes for these children but we know that for now we must keep our heads down, our shoulders sturdy and walk with them into their future, one slow step at a time.
This program is a subset of the Entreamigos scholarship program and requires additional funding. If you would like to contribute or are able to make lunches for students, please contact us at
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