There are SO MANY WAYS to help the community of San Pancho.
Please browse through our needs list below:
School Supplies – glue, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, pencil sharpeners, scissors… and pretty much anything that they sell in the “Back to School” aisle.
Backpacks – for scholarship kids
Art Materials – for child and adult workshops.
We especially need sharpies (all colors), art pens, good quality paper, beads and fun easy stuff for elementary school teachers to use in their classrooms.
Food Donations – for hungry families
Used Clothes in good condition – Recicla Shop would love your used clothes. Pack your suitcase… its worth a $200usd donation to our education program!
ETC… – we will take and distribute your extras. There are families, organizations and other communities with serious problems satisfying basic needs of clothing, shelter and food.
And here are a few donation ideas for things we need that easily could be purchased from a local San Pancho business. Purchasing donations from a local business helps Entreamigos while helping the local economy!
Tools – for all of our construction projects and maintenance
Cement, Block, Wood, Electrical etc – the elementary school has many building needs, they have labor but are short on materials.
Ceiling Fans – many San Pancho classrooms still need fans and when ours are taken care of, there are needs in other nearby communities.
in answer to your questions…
Bring them with you! If you are traveling by air or land, please consider packing an extra suitcase or maybe just a tiny space in your suitcase dedicated to a few items. All of the items on the list above can be brought in as personal items.
If you are in the United States and would like to send them to us. Please ship them U.S. Postal Service to:
P.O. Box 3231
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
Nope. Nothing on the above list is illegal but any item brought in in large quantities is subject to questions. We suggest bringing a range of different individual items and if possible, have your receipts with you. At worst, the customs officials might charge a small import tax but in most cases they recognize and allow donated goods in small quantities.
NOTE: IF you need to drop something off and find Entreamigos closed, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR DONATIONS AT ANY OF THE REAL ESTATE OFFICES WITH A NOTE THAT IT IS FOR ENTREAMIGOS or Call Nicole at 322 117 1677.