By Indira Santos.
When the project began, we couldn´t even imagine what a wonderful adventure it would be for our community. The first challenge were auditions…everyone had such a huge potential! So we decided that everyone should participate in one of all the diverse activities required for the show.
We had a lot of work to do to accomplish an unforgettable and amazing performance, a lot of friends offered their help, contributing to create a very strong and positive vibe. Important part of these were artists of Colectivo San Pancho, who volunteered as assistants and interpreters.
There were more than 40 kids working for 3 hours every day in various circus disciplines, giving their all in every session, sharing with people of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds and interests…and we made a wonderful team.
And when we saw the show, all differences disappeared; there was only magic, children and teenagers living with all their senses the illusion of circus. Even better, a circus with a beautiful message: how our dreams connect with nature and animals, how nature is so close to us every day in so many ways, and what an important virtue it is to dream and to try to go after our dreams.
It was something unique, we achieved challenges filled with magic and passion, we were able to encourage these kids to have self-confidence and to believe that if they persevere and give their best their dreams will come true.
It was a life changing and unforgettable experience, we will keep trying to perfect it and share with everyone in the community the magical world of circus. Numbers and words cannot measure what we learned: the human capacity of pushing our limits, of learning to work as a team and to open ourselves to the endless world of possibilities that is available for every one of us and the community as a whole. Thanks Entreamigos!!
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