Vitrofusion is a glass fusing technique which bonds together layers of thin sheets of glass by exposing them to a 1500 F temperature, to create new patterns or images. You can design and cut your own piece of jewelry, home decoration or any other thing you can imagine.
The workshop will be taught by Adriana Coss, head of entreamigos glass workshop, and will take place in entreamigos. The first block will be on December 5,6 & 7 from 4 to 6 PM and the second block on December 12,13 & 14 from 4 to 6 PM.
Cost is $500p, all materials are included. Space is limited.Come and sign up at entreamigos!
Hi there, I notice here that the second session of glass fusion workshops are 4-6 but I was told 2-4 and as this starts tomorrow I would really like to know for sure.Thanks!